Monday 31 January 2011

Cartoon Alfie ?

Today I had a little experiment with creating a cartoon Alfie to put on the front of my film poster. I managed to make this image, but decided against it, as it does not look anything like Alfie, and therefore would be useless on the film poster - nothing would link, and people would question the image on the poster. Instead I have decided to use on of the images shown below (I'm still undecided) to create an image for the poster, as it is more realistic; it is also easier for audiences to make the link between the film and the posters.

Friday 28 January 2011


Today we started on the dream sequence, trying to make it abstract and surreal. We wanted a break from trying to do the editing chronologically, so we keep it fresh and it doesn't get boring! We had fun experimenting with different effects and lighting on the shots, trying to make it really surreal and fun! We experimented with different modes such as 'solarize' and 'posterize', 'ripple' and 'twirl'. We thought, as long as we are just experimenting at the moment, nothing is set in stone, then we can always change it later. Also, we decided to just piece together the sequence and not waste time using all the effects, as it was very time-consuming and we obviously won't be using all the effects.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


We have now started to edit our film, and are doing so in chronological order. We have started with an establishing shot, panning with Alfie as he walks to his house. We have started to edit a part with the gate, making sure there is complete continuity running through the shots. I am glad we have finally started editing, and our film is taking shape, however we have a long road ahead before it is completed.

Monday 24 January 2011

Ancillary Task Photo

I have now decided the image on my film poster will be this one:

This is the friendliest image to use on the film poster, and is the most inviting for young children and adults to go and see the film. I think the colour scheme should be a lime green and a cerise red as they are bright, and are also the colours of the snakes in the film; I want all three tasks to combine, as they would if they were properly being published.

Friday 21 January 2011


For the past two weeks now we have been capturing. There have been some setbacks with this because there are only certain cameras at college that capture the footage, and other groups in our class have needed to capture as well. We have had to rotate cameras each lesson, and have allocated time. The rest of the time we have been working on our ancillary tasks and our blogs.

Sunday 16 January 2011


This past week we have been capturing the footage we logged. Everything is so time-consuming, and we haven't even hit the editing stage yet. However, we need to get it done, and I have been coming into the media rooms in my college frees to capture some footage. I am trying to catch us up and get us back on schedule. We only have a little more to capture, and then we can start properly editing, in depth.

Saturday 15 January 2011


Today, we logged the footage we re-shot at the weekend, making it easier for us to capture in the next week or so. There have been some absences through the logging process, making it extremely difficult and time-consuming for two people to do. However, absences aside, we got it done. We are two weeks behind schedule at the moment, but we will catch up and finish the project. We will have to do some in our own time. The setbacks have been because of work commitments and the Christmas holidays. We also had a few weeks of just two people in the group, then introducing a new member, all time consuming and difficult for the group dynamics.

Sunday 9 January 2011


Today, I took Alfie back to the location, and we re-filmed some of the footage. Hopefully the framing is better and the actions match, or we will have to re-shoot again. There shouldn't be a problem with continuity now, as I played the current footage and tried to match the angles and perspective.

Friday 7 January 2011


We are halfway through the logging process, but as the weekend is coming up, I will have to re-shoot some footage before the process is finished. This shouldn't matter, as hopefully the second half of footage is better than the first, meaning we shouldn't have to re-shoot any of it, we will have to see.

Thursday 6 January 2011


Today we logged all the footage ready for capturing. We now know exactly what parts need re-shooting! No doubt, when the editing process starts next week or so, we will need to film some footage to bridge other shots together, but for now there are only a couple of blips, that break the footages continuity.


Today, we decided on a time and place we could re-shoot some of the footage. I am going back to the location on Sunday to re-shoot some scenes with Alfie; particularly the bedroom and living room scene. Unfortunately Sam can't make it, and Curtis has work, so I will be filming on my own, however this is not a problem. Hopefully, this will be all that needs re-shooting with Alfie, because I can do some stop-motion anytime, in my frees at college, and not wait for Alfie to finish school.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Film Poster Photo's

I don't think the photo's of Alfie on the sofa are particularly good, or they aren't what I had in mind for my film poster. Even though I can photoshop out the sofa, they aren't what I had in mind. I think the ones where Alfie is stood with the snake around his shoulders are the best, and are the friendliest for the audience and tone of my film.

Film Poster

I have taken some images of Alfie holding the snake, and am yet to choose what image would look best on my film poster.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Film Poster

I have been looking through the national newspapers such as The Sun, The Mirror, The Guardian and The Times. These all do film reviews, so I wanted to research the tone to take with the style of film. I have decided, however inaccurate the tabloids can be, they have the best film reviews, and my film ties in more with the films used in the tabloids, than the art and educational films used in the broadsheets. The tone is more colloquial and this is more applicable to the film's audience.