Friday 25 February 2011


The lighting we used for our Media project was supposed to be realistic. I think we achieved this, however, looking back at our edited clips, I can see we may need to make some scenes lighter, as they are supposed to be outside during daytime. The lighting inside is artificial, therefore, gives a slight glow to the film. This, so far, is working quite well, as it applies most to the dream sequence, where our aim is to make it look a little distorted and surreal. I think we have done a good job with the lighting, as it is a very tricky technique to get right, and we can amend it if need be!

Tuesday 22 February 2011


We are still editing our media piece. We haven't made significant progress over the past couple of weeks, as we have had group members away for various reasons and it being half term. Instead, we have been individually working on our ancillary tasks. I have made more progress with mine than other group members, because I haven't had any time off, however, we will all be at the same stage soon after they have caught up.

Sunday 20 February 2011


The Props we have used for our film are;

- the 'Stan' teddy
- the remote control
- the toy snakes from IKEA
- Alfie's rugby kit from his school
- My bunch of keys
- Alfie's school bag
- Alfie's everyday clothes
- A child's book
- A lamp and a puzzle

These all tie in very well with our film, as they are props used in a young boys life. they create a continuity with the audience, so they understand Alfie's character. They represent different aspects of his character; the Southpark teddy shows Alfie is older than his years, the rugby uniform shows he is still at school. The book, puzzle and lamp show he likes reading and challenging himself, before bed as it is in the scene where he falls asleep. The keys and school bag show he is old enough to be trusted with these items, he has a sense of responsibility. The toy snakes from IKEA show he dreams of soft, toy snakes hurting him; not scaly monstrous snakes, this contradicts his mature take on other aspects of his life, such as owning a bunch of keys.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Sound Effects.

We also need some sound effects to go with our film. This is the list I made for our group, with what sound effects would be best.

Monday 7 February 2011


We have been thinking about what music we should have with our film, and the possibility of using the famous 'Peter and the Wolf' music came up. We will obviously have to find a copyright-free version, and use this one, but this is a well recognised piece of music, with all generations, so will be recognised by the audience.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Adobe Photoshop

Whilst we have been editing the footage, I have also had spare time on my hands at college, from lessons being cancelled etc. So, I came to the media suite and used 'Adobe Photoshop' to edit my image for my film poster. I have made the colours bright and colourful, and the image looks slightly animated; always a winner to engage children! This is the image I will hopefully be using on my Ancillary Task.