Tuesday 21 September 2010

Coursework Ideas

We have got a rough idea of groups so have been able to brainstorm our ideas. We have come up with a list of possible ideas and ways in which we can achieve them; how good they are for practicality and shots we could use etc. We have decided to do a Short Film, of approximately 5 minutes, which will be a documentary. These are some possible idea's:

1. Polyphasic Sleeping and the impact it has on your body.
2. The Scares of going to University because of the fees. Issues with the number of places available and the number of applicants, and how the numbers are affected by the fees and costs.
3. Takeaway Restaurants and the health and safety issues with food. Or the number of local takeaways and if home-cooking is a thing of the past.
4. The cost of driving lessons and cars amongst students, and why some teenagers learn to drive and others don't.

All of these options are achievable and could make interesting documentaries, but we need to think about how we could make the documentary enjoyable for the viewer, and not boring. We are leaning more towards the Polyphasic Sleep idea, because we can adopt certain sleeping patterns ourselves and see the effects first-hand.

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