Thursday 30 September 2010

Polyphasic Sleep Idea

We have decided on the Polyphasic Sleeping patterns causing effect on daily life. We have a number of people lined up to take part in one of these 5 patterns. We can then analyse the effects lack of sleep the different patterns can have on normal everyday life. We should be conducting the experiment and filming over half term, which will be from the 24th-31st October. We can should then have enough time after half term to edit the film and complete the ancillery tasks. We think, if we can film over half term, we will have a good time schedule. We have 3 weeks to fully plan the film through the pre-production stages, and then will have 6 or 7 weeks to edit the film and complete the ancillary tasks. We are yet to have the idea set in concrete and get the ball rolling with pre-production planning, but I think we will do well if we stick to our time-frame.

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